Creativity in the Classroom – Natasha Patrito Hannon

In my last post (Rediscovering the Masters), I highlighted a paper by Richard Felder titled ‘Creating Creative Engineers’. This paper proposes a number of strategies to foster creative problem solving skills among students in the technical disciplines.

As I revisit the syllabus for an upcoming course, Environmental Issues, I continue to ask myself whether I am offering students an opportunity to engage creatively with the subject matter – to incorporate part of themselves into this material that they are absorbing.  More about the crazy project that I’ve developed to help achieve that in a future post, but for now, here are two videos that are currently buzzing in my brain:

1.  Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity.

2.  Dave Eggers’ Wish:  Once Upon a School.

Both videos are source from, an absolutely marvellous resource that was recently featured in the Teaching Support Centre’s Reflections Newsletter.  Please check it out for additional information on how TED can be used to supplement and enhance your students’ learning.

The Supervisory Balancing Act – Nanda Dimitrov

The relationship between graduate student and supervisor rests on a foundation of trust.  After speaking to a few dozen graduate students over the past few months, I was impressed by how easily trust can be lost in the supervisory relationship.

In order for the supervisory relationship to work, grad students need to trust in that their supervisors will do all they can to mentor them along the path towards the degree, introduce them to scholars in the field and tell them where to find information they need to succeed in their program.

Supervisors need to trust in that students will follow  supervisors’ guidance, stay informed about what is expected of them, take initiative and ask questions if they are unsure of something or that they will treat the data they collect together responsibly – just to name a few.

Trust is crucial because supervisor and student are on a journey together, and there are many times during the journey when only the supervisor knows where they are going. He or she holds the map and provides direction for the student on the first phase of the journey, and then – hopefully – lets the student continue on their own and complete the final stage of the journey independently.   I really love maps and I like figuring out where I am going on my own, so when someone else holds the map and I can’t see the path in front of me, I feel quite frustrated and disoriented – as do many graduate students.  (It would be nice to look at the map together.)

Graduate school can sometimes feel like trying to find the way out of a  forest, with the supervisor’s voice telling you which way to go.  Some supervisor voices say “Listen, here’s a ‘data jungle.’ I want you to try and find your own way out of it.  You will get lost a couple of times, and will have to turn back if you run into a dead end, but it’s OK.  Getting lost and finding your own way will teach you how to get out of the next jungle faster… I am keeping an eye on you from my helicopter above and am here to help if you need it. Just call if you have a question.”

Other supervisor voices just instruct: “Here’s the jungle, I’ll drop you in the middle, call me when you get out. No cell phones allowed.”

Both students know that the supervisor knows the way out of the jungle of data.  How does the explanation they get about the task affect trust towards their supervisor? Do they understand why they need to go through this exercise?  Do they realize that the supervisor is trying to help them become independent scholars? How may a lack of trust affect their behaviour the next time the supervisor suggests that they venture into a new “data jungle”?  Will they ask for help? Will they succeed? Will they look for a new supervisor?

What do you do to establish trust with your new students? If you are a student – what do you wish your supervisor would say or do to build trust in your relationship? What do they do to clarify their expectations to you? How does this help you grow as a scholar?

If you are interested in reading more about how faculty in different disciplines approach supervision, take a look at the TSC’s two purple guides on supervision online:  The Western Guide to Graduate Supervision is based on interviews with faculty across campus and focuses on general supervision issues such establishing boundaries with graduate students, while the Western Guide to Mentoring Graduate Students Across Cultures explores strategies for effective communication between students and faculty from different cultural backgrounds and examines promoting initiative and independence, bringing the power gap and giving effective feedback.

You can find both on the TSC webpage at:

A break with benefits… – Natasha Patrito Hannon

This is my first foray into the blogosphere and I’m finding it difficult to begin – I’m feeling pressure to be eloquent and insightful, but my mind isn’t cooperating. In the aftermath of the ‘start of September’ whirlwind, my brain is craving some quiet time and, rather than discuss an amazing upcoming event or project, it wants to reflect on the best break that it’s had all week.

This past Wednesday, a small group of graduate students gathered for the TSC’s first ever ‘TA Coffee Hour’. Coffee Hour (CH), every Wednesday from 2:30 – 3:30 PM, is a time when TAs can drop into the Centre, take a break from their daily grind and chat with colleagues from across campus. It’s relaxed and casual…but in the hours leading up to this first session, unsure of how many people to expect, worried about topics for discussion and awkward silences, CH was stressing me out.

…until it began. What a pleasure to just sit and talk with interesting people, some of whom I had met before and others I was meeting for the first time. In 60 min, we dished on how we were coping with the first week of class, discovered that the GTA union had a health & safety representative, lamented the lack of grad student lounges across campus, heard about the amazing collection of first edition 16th & 17th century opera libretti housed in the Music Library and genuinely enjoyed each others’ company. Our chat left me energized and ready to tackle the course syllabus revisions that I’d been putting off for weeks. I realize now that it was a wonderfully productive break because in taking the time to talk teaching with others, I was actually making space in my day to reflect on my own practice. Consider it a break with benefits…

If you’d like to join us for the next TA Coffee Hour, drop by Rm 121 of the TSC this coming Wednesday from 2:30 – 3:30 PM. We’d love to see you there!